Saturday, February 13, 2021

North east ASHA Foundation (A Dream of SAGAR)


“Lead us to Light ( Consciousness ) from the darkness (Ignorance) !

From the desk of novice blogger

Dedicate the article to my beloved Asha foundation!

       It’s Dighanta from North East India,  Assam  , a simple person joined as technical person  in Mangalam associates. I have many hobbies and interests apart from Music fraternity and maniac. 

Professionally speaking,  my assignment may be small.  

However, as far as my thoughts and aspirations are concerned , it’s as high the reach of any kite, flying in the open sky. 

I Am sure,  if any person is given or provided with an opportunity,  he could well manage to fly as far as sky, is it not?  No one was born great!  Time has taken each person to destiny. We can well write our destiny,  it’s question of providing a platform. We can well succeed in life accomplish our mission,  turn dream into reality. It’s our hobbies and passion to achieve something with die hard attitude and With our  killer instinct.

Come on,  you can do it!

Rome wasn’t built in a day! 

Nothing is in this world is impossible! 

Our positive thoughts and attitude also optimistic ideas lead us to our destination and make our destiny. 

No doubt, Asha foundation has provided me with a platform and Today I have an opportunity to express and prove my worth. It’s about my feelings and thoughts,  my true identity. I know well Aryan was as simple and elegant in the materialistic world in the beginning. However,  by unconditional love and compassion for others,  he has proven to be a  blessing for Asha foundation. He truly deserved the coveted Gold medal (appreciation from Asha foundation). I appreciate and applaud Him for his gestures and positive  attitude from bottom of my heart. I have reverence for Mrs MANISHA ANAND, celebrity stature and also eminent personality from Bhopal,  I express my love for Baby Tasha Anand, a child prodigy and also deserving candidate, for her melodious voice,  a Music lover and fraternity Mrs Gajendra Tiwari,  who have been appreciated with Coveted Gold medals during felicitation ceremony ( either Teacher’s day,  Children’s day or some other occasions). 

I am grateful and thankful for being part of Asha foundation. It seems the life would have been incomplete without asha fun. Many many memories are connected with it , honestly honouring the personality belonged to either Music,  Theater, Media last but not the least,  the Academics. May be a child prodigy or Senior citizen. Everyone had been amongst the fraternity. 

It could well cover the North east corner of our country (India)  and been enthusiast in touching international map (Dubai). 

One could hardly understand and fulfill the expectations.  It has come to rescue one and all during the crisis like Covid 19 or hospitalization of Parents of the needy guys ( assistance to needy people). Charity events,  contribution of  finance or other way.  Hardly each other know,  still the group members played generously (did it’s role proactively). Thanks to our Indian society for its cultural strength and generous gesture and benevolence. 

I have hardly any words to express gratitude and for appreciation of the foundation. It has provided a  virtual platform for continual improvement of one and all associated with the group. 

We North east people have been neglected or ignored by our country people,  on some or other reason. Any how thanks to the Great Aryan (Chavi Narayan Dewangan),  who has been instrumental in inspiring everyone under the leadership of the Eminent and celebrity stature personality like Manisha Anand madam, Bhopal and also Deepakji from Dubai.

I am prepared to share my feelings and thoughts for the kind gesture shown to me by delivering T shirt by Raipurians.  We received T shirts,  Shawl and Pen,  what not.  

It’s just start not the end. 

Many many expectations from our fraternity and members to add value to its true potential and objectives.

Day is not far off when we turn our dreams into reality, making the future and the world a paradise.  

Hope you all will stay with me in my dreams and my endeavours to accomplish the mission!

Thanks and regards to everyone. 

যুক্ত বৰ্ণ বা যুক্তাক্ষ অসমীয়া বৰ্ণমালাৰ যুক্তাক্ষৰসমূহ

গ + উ = গু গুৰ (gur) ৰ + উ = ৰু ৰুমাল (rumaal) শ + উ = শু শুভ (Subha) হ + উ = হু হুঁচৰি (hu~Mcari) ৰ + ঊ = ৰূ ৰূপ (rUpa) হ + ঋ = হৃ হৃদয় (hR...